Let's Make a Difference

Through effective community partnerships, we elevate the value of our impact. With a collaborative mindset, we can equip our community with the best resources and opportunities for economic advancement.

Become a Community Partner

Ways to get involved

Connect with us to explore community partnership.

Fundraisers & Events

The BLHL Golf Tournament is an annual fundraiser that supports our educational and academic initiatives to provide scholarships to Gainesville youth. Held at Ironwood Golf Course, a BLHL community partner, proceeds from the golf scramble go toward the Barbara L. Higgins Scholarship fund. A date for the upcoming tournament will be announced soon!

Our Community Partners

Donations & Contributions

Interested in donorship? We value your contribution in becoming a community partner to support our mission to transform the lives of minority youth and their families through academic advice, health awareness, and economic advancement. Click the link below to enter your financial gift.

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